Investing the time to build relationships can generate invaluable referrals for enhancing your company's bottom line. Look at it like having a residual income that keeps working all by itself, for your business, in the form of referrals that does not inflate your budget or add excessive time to your clock.
This 2 min video nicely summarizes the concept of sharing your expertise to grow your business, through better value branding.
This article provides 10 ways to share your expertise. Both resources are designed to get results for your company.
The common theme is to engage your audience, share common values, as you develop mutually beneficial relationships designed to strengthen your/their company's bottom line.
JNL Creative Tours, LLC is a creative events tour company that generates viable referrals leading to a stronger bottom line for your business. Your prospects, or clients, may step onto the bus as individuals but will step off to your venue as a part of your expanded network.