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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Much More Fun to be #1 in Business

Engaged interaction reduces the need to chase down new prospects or return clients to grow your business. This video includes a link to the Rosetta® article that describes, The Economics of Engagement: Quantifying the Link Between Engagement and Growth.

JNL Creative Tours, LLC - we provide engaged tours so your prospects may step onto the bus as individuals but will step off to your venue as a part of your expanded network. Just one positive comment from your newly enhanced network provides your company with an invaluable recommendation.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Having Fun to build enhanced Business Relationships

This video is about having fun as a critical technique to enhance your business relationships. The included FedEx link shares tips on, 'Unforgettable Customer Relationship Events'.

JNL Creative Tours, LLC generates referrals designed to enhance your organization or company's bottom line, through creative tour events.