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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Yes, in the Linkedin family you Do get to Choose your Relatives

We anticipate certain things from family, such as support and loyalty. We tolerate certain things about family, such as habits and attitudes. After all, family is family, and we don't get to choose how those genes spill out into the world. 

It's often said that one doesn't get to choose their family members. So, it’s not unheard of that we may also try to keep any family skeletons hidden away.

The Linkedin Family
I have discovered a certain affinity to Linkedin as an extended family. I assume that members are savvy to understand, and sharp enough to act on the potential resources offered by Linkedin. After all, I joined Linkedin with the intent to enhance my business success.

When I meet a new contact, and as we exchange cards, I ask if they belong to Linkedin. If they say yes, I smile...I've just discovered a new family member that I can interact and grow with.

Seeking the Perfect Family
I now envision an idyllic stroll down the path go mutual business interest and growth with my newly found family member. Through our common Linkedin network we can learn more of each other’s value and building a stronger business because of each other’s participation.

My Linkedin Discovery 
Like any family, the Linkedin network provides a wealth of divergent business opinions and styles. Some Linkedin members may find the divergent business approaches as being distracting. However, other Linkedin members will selectively utilize these divergent viewpoints as potential resources of fresh approaches based on varied experiences and expertise.

My Linkedin Family 
Yes, in my personal family, I've been taught that there are certain family members that we just don’t talk about. These skeletons are kept behind heavily locked doors. 

Yes, in my Linkedin family, I’ve met members who immediately hit on me (another phrase might be 'solicit' me) for my business shortly after inviting me to join their network. There are striking similarities of this approach:
  • a stated appreciation of my joining their network
  • reference to their credentials and experience 
  • how they are ready to make my business more successful 
  • there is never any indication that they’ve taken the interest and time to view my profile
  • so, there is never any expressed insight on how enhancements might theoretically be provided to my business 
  • it's very clear that they want my money
  • (very) rarely does their profile provide any resource contributions or, expressed viewpoints regarding their stated business or service approach.

They openly solicit my business but are very sparse about sharing from their end. I almost said no insight about their business style but, lack of engagement actually speaks for itself.

My Linkedin Relatives
I've recognized, early on, the value of developing strong relationships for successful and lasting business ventures. I work hard to engage my Linkedin network so we can continually learn each other’s value and needs. We share information, resources and maybe even mistakes that can be learned from.

Linkedin readily allows me to extend my family genealogy, and fortunately, I also get to choose my relatives based on how well we build valued relationships. I feel good about introducing my relatives to my other contacts.

What do you think?

JNL Creative Tours, LLC provides bus tour events that are designed to build relationships, leading to endorsements for your business. Your prospects may step onto the bus as individuals but will step off to your venue as a part of your expanded network.

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