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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Relationships, do they create Distractions or, Resources?

This article is written to actively seek your experiences and opinions.
I have a trait shared by many of my entrepreneurial associates, being so focused on my business success that I tend to not 'hang-out' with the crowd. I simply have too many things to get done, as of yesterday. The people I associate with are inclined to be like minded.
Our focus is clear and our efforts are driven.
One such associate once remarked that we were very different.
I responded by saying that we are both our own person as we create our unique paths. However, a basic difference was he saw divergent opinions are distractions and I saw them as resources. Otherwise, we were pretty much the same.
He just stared at  me.
I've heard the phrase that one 'should recruit disciples and not terrorists' for their business. The concept of hiring a 'team player' is readily bantered around as an ideal employee.
However, I also hear that a company can sometimes fall behind the crest because the business has developed blinders that might exclude fresh perspectives, perhaps also described as divergent opinions and insights. The team players may not be inclined to 'rock the boat'.
I'm aware that I'm expressing clichéd terms yet, I keep hearing them repeated. I suspect that one might argue that these type of relationships are solid, and they likely are. But, are they really beneficial for a company's stronger bottom line?
Building new relationships is a reward/risk venture. Admittedly, I shudder at the thought of bringing in a new person. Some people can be, and truly are, disruptive to the karma of a business. However, I suggest that this disruption can be learned from (if nothing more than to not repeat that direction) and is likely far more preferable than the possible lethargy of, 'everyone is on board'.
Outrageous ideas can sometimes lead to creative directions and productive outcomes.
Your thoughts?
JNL Creative Tours, LLC provides bus tour events, engaging your prospects to create enhanced relationships, leading to endorsements for your business, for a stronger bottom line.

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