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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Opening that car door for a more successful business

During my dating days, part of my ritual included opening the passenger car door for my guest. The 'moment' generally went as expected, she'd seat herself with an appreciative smile. To my astonishment, one first date actually laughed at me while stating, 'should [she] really expect [me] to always open the car door during our entire relationship?' I clearly remember mumbling some non-intelligent response.

However, she still seemed to appreciate the meaning behind the effort. I wanted to do something for her that enticed her to stay with me.

Establishing meaningful relationships really is a sound basis of effective networking. Savvy sales people readily admit that they sell themselves before they seriously discuss their products or services. They recognize that one is more inclined to do repeated business with someone they know, feel good about and can rely on.

JNL Creative Tours creates experiences designed to open that car door into the hearts and minds of your prospects, clients and vendors.

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